Is Ruby Tuesday's the restaurant named after the song? ?
2008-08-26 08:38:19 UTC
Is it named after the Rolling Stone's song?
Six answers:
Manish K
2008-08-26 10:32:46 UTC
Yes dear,

no need to put question mark Ruby Tuesday is named after the song from rolling stone.

Ruby Tuesday came into existence after the top brass of TGIF had a split.

They were traveling in the car when radio played this famous song and from there they decided to name there restaurant.

2008-08-26 08:41:38 UTC
yes. the owner/creator loved the song, but some say it was for his niece, named ruby. he just got the tuesday part from the rolling stones.
2008-08-26 08:47:28 UTC
Whats even funnier is their new adds ????? What the monkey ???

I thought it was suppose to be like a throw back corvette diner type of place, am I wrong, I don't think I have ever eaten at on, and still won't but now it looks like they were bought out and now their all uppty or whatever modern or ????? Keep your lamp cause your adds suck , doesn't make me want to go there.
2008-08-26 08:41:32 UTC
I think it was to compete with Friday's
2008-08-26 08:41:54 UTC
the world my never know
яυву™ ツ
2008-08-26 09:09:40 UTC
who knows.....maybe...maybe..not?

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